Laundry Bar, Saintz & Sinners and Monsoon Records are collaborating on a fund-raising independent music event to benefit those affected by the recent natural disasters in Japan,targeting to raise RM20, 000 . “Laundry Presents... Indie Aid Japan” is a local collective that will be contributing all proceeds from cover charges and merchandise sales on the night to (SAJ) School Aid Japan, a Japanese organisation carrying out emergency relief programmes for those... affected by the calamities.
More than 10 local and foreign artists played continuously from 7pm to 3am on Thursday 5th May 2011, at this fund raising event, with a line-up that includes favourites like Lightcraft, Kyoto Protocol, Halfway Kings, Pesawat, Reza Salleh, Providence, DJ Sarasa, Gila Monstarz, Mobbstarr, Tenderfist, Azmyl Yunor, Darren Ashley, K-town Clan, Honest Mistake, Goldkart, & Lab The Rat.
Laundry Bar、Saintz & Sinners及Monsoon Records举行一场名为“Laundry Presents... Indie Aid Japan” 独立音乐祭,旨在一同为月前日本里氏9.0强震所引发的大海啸受到天灾影响的人们,以2万令吉为目标筹款。当日所筹获的款项将会捐赠于日本紧急关怀团体School Aid Japan(SAJ),以帮助正在受天灾影响的人们。
超过10支来自国内外的独立音乐队及单位在2011年5月5日,7pm至3am以接力唱的方式马不停蹄、不中断地为此慈善音乐祭献上自己的一份绵力。10支队伍分别是:Lightcraft, Kyoto Protocol、 Halfway Kings、Pesawat、 Reza Salleh、 Providence、DJ Sarasa、 Gila Monstarz、 Mobbstarr、 Tenderfist、 Azmyl Yunor、 Darren Ashley、 K-town Clan、 Honest Mistake、 Goldkart 及 Lab The Rat等等。
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