2007年的某个夏天,一群来自马来西亚拉曼大学,电视广播系的学生在一个偶然下,创立了小鸭制作团体(Duckling Production Team)。从短片拍摄到录音制作,从摄影到广告设计,小鸭的成员们都各怀不一样的创作才华。原先,小鸭的创办目的是为了结合各个同级的精英,来完成大学的课业。本着对艺术的狂爱,小鸭的成立不仅替成员们完成了许多学术上的惊人制作,成为了大学内的“高分辈”一族,还陆续创作了很多属于自己的作品。其后,成员们更接下了不少商业制作,皆以兼职的心态;专业的水准去完成这些制作。
这段期间,有者走入了平面媒体,凭着一流的文笔,在文坛界打出名堂;有者进入了活动策划公司,广泛渗入不同阶层、人脉的社交圈子,成功打稳小鸭的人脉基础;还有一些仍逗留在广播圈子工作的成员,学以致用地发挥他们所长,从制作助理、助理製片、剪接師、广告撰稿人、临演等,到如今监制、导演、总监、 编剧等职位,无不涉猎;而小鸭成员台前幕后累计的丰富经验,就是成就未来小鸭的垫脚石。虽说不是每一个成员都踏上同样的行列,尽管他们再如何成为各行各业里的佼佼者,他们始终都放不下当初在大学里一起创下奇迹的每一刻。
为了那最初的梦想,小鸭成员在2010年重组团队,命名为小鸭行动(Duckling Actions),如其名所说,我们小鸭不但声量大,更懂得化声亮为实际行动。小鸭取纳了不同领域的专才,更招揽了更多来自不一样领域的精英分子加入团队,而后,正式成为注册公司,准备大战拳脚,在广播领域再度绽放光芒!
别小看小鸭们,小鸭虽小,潜力不小;声响如钟,与众不同;才华洋溢,包您满意! 未来的日子里绝对不容忽视的小鸭旋风 !
It started on a fine day in 2007, when a group of broadcasting students from University Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) created the Duckling Production Team by chance. It is a small team of talented individuals, each with their strengths in various fields: from shooting short films to audio recording, from TV production to Advertising. The main aim then had been to gather all these talents and complete all university assignments together. However, the passionate love for the arts have not only see the team through all their university assignments with flying colors, making them the top scorers of the batch, it also led to the subsequent creation of other private projects. Later on, the team has also accepted and completed a number of commercial projects, all which are completed with professional quality.
A year later, when their batch graduated, the Team was temporarily disbanded as each member venture out on their own separate paths.
During the time, some joined the print media industry, making a name with their fluent writings; others went into event managing companies, meeting up and forming networks with people from different levels of social circles, solidifying the Team's own social networking foundations; there are also those who remained within the broadcasting industry, developing their latent potential, from the assistant producers, production assistants, editors, advertisement copywriters, extra actors they started off as, to the producers, directors, supervisors and scriptwriters that they are today; and these experiences in both the front stage and backstage of the industry that the Duckling's members gained are now part of the stepping stones for Duckling Actions. It is not to say that all members of the team had went on the same career path. However, even though they have been quite the promising talents and experts of their profession, they have never forgotten those moments of creating miracles they had during their university days.
To realise that dream. The Ducklings once again gathered to reform their team, now called Duckling Actions. Just like their namesake, Duckling Actions is not only loud in quacking, but also translate the quacking into actual action. Duckling Actions has accepted experts from different fields, as well as talents from various other professions as well. Then, the team officially registered as a company, as they prepare to flex their wings and make their grand presence felt within the broadcast field!
Duckiling Actions provides not only services, but also a business. From marketing plans, campaigns, events to video shooting, nothing is impossible for the Ducklings!
Don't underestimate the Ducklings. Small they may be, but their potential is great; their voices resounding far, extraordinary; with their limitless creative talents, guaranteed to your satisfaction. The whirlwind that is the Duckling should never be ignored!
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