

What time is your sleeping time? Mr. V will teach you how to keep your beauty.
Stay tune after the credits rolls, Lady ghost will haunt you down after it!

感谢Express Make Up 的化妆品赞助。
Special Thanks to Express Make Up for the make up products sponsorship.

地点: Asia Spa, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, 吉隆坡。

"ANUBIS Ambassador" Soft Launch
Ambassador: Malaysia Famous Artist, Lavin Seow
Venue: Asia Spa, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, KL。

Anubis soft launch Video:

A whole new series of unconventional humour, amazingly amusing madness and silliness!!
"Headless Family" will blow you away by this coming April!!! 

由Centre For Attention Sdn Bhd及X NUDE舉辦的《X Top Model Search 2011》于2011年2月16日在Club G6 - The Garden, Mid Valley舉行歡慶派對推介禮,並宣布于3月杪在全馬各地走透透舉辦男女模特兒面試會,屆時預計將獲2500位模特兒參加,獲選參賽者將被送到香港、北京及上海等地參與走秀活動及受訓,機會難得。Duckling Actions小鸭团队获邀请参与此盛会,并且为大家带来当天晚上的一些制作花絮。

The 'X-Top Model Search 2011', Organised by Centre For Attention Sdn Bhd and X NUDE, had held their soft launch at Club G6 - The Garden, Mid Valley on the 16th of February 2011, announcing the commencement of their nationwide audition for Malaysian models in March, which they estimate, will bring in about 2500 participants. For successful participants, this will be a rare chance of a lifetime, for they will be given the chance to take part in prominent shows, events and also modeling lessons by experts in Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai.Duckling Actions is honored to have received the invitation to participate in this grand event, and thus bringing you the video highlights from that one special night.

當晚出席推介禮的藝人有Amber Chia、演員陳美娥、Stepahnie Chua、Natachameunier及蕭依婷等。而Amber Chia Academy的模特兒老師及學生共11人一起走台,爲此大型的模特兒選拔賽掀開序幕。

Celebrities that were present during the launch include Amber Chia, artist-director Chen Mei-O, Stephanie Chua, Natachameunier, as well as Lavin Seow. The event prelude with a catwalk staged by 11 students and their teacher from the Amber Chia Academy.

X-Top Model's Photos:

大马能歌善舞、能彩妆;能材创的艺人Ellisan 陈锂汕,在此视频中的角色,有什么让人意想不到的"笑"点呢?


Do not watch too much HOROR MOVIES! This a sincere advice!!
Duckling Actions presents "Headless Family" Teaser part 2! Introducing new character: Zhen

Ellisan, a Malaysia artist who can sing, dance, compose songs and is gifted with wonderful make up talent, will bring you a surprise in this video!

(PS: Note the glass breaking sound and woman shouting sound from part 1 teaser: Vampire- Quacking Out of The Box)

非常感谢“Express Make Up 赞助商,赞助“无头族视频集 ( 一切有关的化妆系列产品。Dukling Actions小鸭在此无限感激!
Duckling Actions very appreciate our Make Up products' sponsor - “Express Make Up” sponsor "Headless Family” Make Up products.

Express Make Up 位于时代广场七楼,营业时间于每周二至周日,早上十一点半至晚上七点正。“Express Make Up”您时髦的速妆品!
Express Make Up” is located at Time Square's 7th floor, operation hour- Tue-Sun, 11.30am-7pm. “Express Make Up” Pick an express-make-up Style!

更多详情,请浏览For more details, pls view Express Make Upfans page


3月份宣传期内,有兴趣在我们网站打广告的商家,可以电邮至 与我们接洽。名额有限,先到先得,别错过此机会哦!

Within March2011, anyone interested to advertise with us, feel free to contact us Do note that there’s a limited quota. Requests will be treated on a first come first serve basis.

亲爱的顾客 Our dearest customers:


 Having plans on expanding your services via electronic media yet lacking sufficient funding? Wishing to share your products, services and background story to your audience through the mass media, yet couldn't find the right production team that could help you with your content?

In the Malaysian market, a lot of companies lacked the experience in advertising strategy and media planning, and some didn't even have plans for business improvement. Thus, the results are messages that couldn't reach your target audience effectively, as well as a waste of money.


These are what we, Duckling Actions' Productions and Events Management team, will promise you:

  • Creating quality images within reasonable price.   
  • 给予您完整的广告活动策划及洽询服务。 
  • Providing you full consultation on advertising campaign planning and contact services. 
  • 同时操作两支队伍,即替您公司打造广告的同时,也包揽您的商场活动、户外路演等事宜。 
  •  Two teams working at once, creating your advertisements while assisting your corporate events and road shows all at the same time.
  • 根据您的企业计划量身订造您。
  • Shaping your image according to your business plan. 

In conjunction with the launching of Duckling Actions Sdn. Bhd. we are now offering discount packages for the following items with the rates as stated:

企业宣传片 Corporate Video Production20

活动策划 Events Management Service 15


The promotion will last until 31 Mar 2011. We also have an offer that any company that signs up for our services within the above mentioned time period will be allowed to advertise for free on our website for one week. Don't miss the chance!

需符合条款与条约。Terms and conditions apply.