Laundry Bar, Saintz & Sinners and Monsoon Records are collaborating on a fund-raising independent music event to benefit those affected by the recent natural disasters in Japan,targeting to raise RM20, 000 . “Laundry Presents... Indie Aid Japan” is a local collective that will be contributing all proceeds from cover charges and merchandise sales on the night to (SAJ) School Aid Japan, a Japanese organisation carrying out emergency relief programmes for those... affected by the calamities.
More than 10 local and foreign artists played continuously from 7pm to 3am on Thursday 5th May 2011, at this fund raising event, with a line-up that includes favourites like Lightcraft, Kyoto Protocol, Halfway Kings, Pesawat, Reza Salleh, Providence, DJ Sarasa, Gila Monstarz, Mobbstarr, Tenderfist, Azmyl Yunor, Darren Ashley, K-town Clan, Honest Mistake, Goldkart, & Lab The Rat.
Laundry Bar、Saintz & Sinners及Monsoon Records举行一场名为“Laundry Presents... Indie Aid Japan” 独立音乐祭,旨在一同为月前日本里氏9.0强震所引发的大海啸受到天灾影响的人们,以2万令吉为目标筹款。当日所筹获的款项将会捐赠于日本紧急关怀团体School Aid Japan(SAJ),以帮助正在受天灾影响的人们。
超过10支来自国内外的独立音乐队及单位在2011年5月5日,7pm至3am以接力唱的方式马不停蹄、不中断地为此慈善音乐祭献上自己的一份绵力。10支队伍分别是:Lightcraft, Kyoto Protocol、 Halfway Kings、Pesawat、 Reza Salleh、 Providence、DJ Sarasa、 Gila Monstarz、 Mobbstarr、 Tenderfist、 Azmyl Yunor、 Darren Ashley、 K-town Clan、 Honest Mistake、 Goldkart 及 Lab The Rat等等。
Think you have the X-Factor to win? For every aspiring model, this is your chance to showcase your skills and talents, as the X-Top Model Search 2011 hits the city. Beginning with their launch in this month, there will be open auditions nation-wide for contestants who have that X-Factor to win a modelling contract with Elite Hong Kong Model Management, as well as chances to perform at international fashion events.
The X-Top Model Search 2011 is co-created by Centre for Attention Sdn. Bhd X NUDE, a leading PR and creative design company in Malaysia, in collaboration with Hong Kong Elite Model Management.
X-Top Model Search 2011卷席大马,让所有怀着向国际舞台迈进梦想的模特儿们有个展示自己本身才能的空间,谁说你不是大马下个国际名模?本月才举行推介礼的X-Top Model Search 2011在来临的月内马不停蹄举办全国甄选活动,让您赢取一纸Elite Hong Kong Model Management的模特儿合约,甚至获得在国际时尚模特儿活动中曝光亮相的入场券。
X-Top Model Search 2011由大马前列以公关及创意设计的公司 Centre For Attention Sdn. Bhd X NUDE及Elite Hong Kong Model Management联办。
女鬼和卡卡女神唱忐忑(无头族之贞忐忑)Lady Gaga & Lady Ghost duet "Uneasy"? (Headless Family - Very "Uneasy")
The heat of "Uneasy" is still there! Lady ghost and Lady gaga sing "Uneasy"!! Who will win?
感谢Fynale Comestic Lens的隐形眼镜赞助。
Special Thanks toFynale Cosmetic Lens for the contact lens products sponsorship.
富士通2011年春季顶级推介ESPRIMO EH300型号电脑,连带10台生活笔记本电脑都是配上最新的第二代Core I处理器,绝对给您最佳的性能,卓越的用戶体验,成为您完美的生活伴侶。
同时,“多合为一”的ESPRIMO EH300型号电脑亦推出AMD Fusion Brazos平台的特别设计,肯定为电脑游戏爱好者和电影迷带来最大的科技享受!
新推出的10台生活笔记本电脑包括- S系列(SH761&SH561); N系列(NH751);P系列(PH701&PH771); A系列(AH531);L系列 (LH701&LH531);以及B系列(BH531)。
In the start of Spring 2011 Fujitsu will be introducing their ESPRIMO EH300 along with 10 Topnotch Lifebook which are all installed with the latest 2nd Generation Intel Core Processors, definitely giving you the optimal performance, exceptional user experience, and perfect LIFE companion.
At the same time, the "All in one" ESPRIMO EH300 will also feature the specially designed AMD Fusion Brazos platform, a certain joy for gamers and movie fans alike to experience.
Another highlight for the promotion is the MH300 Lifebook, the first multimedia net-book with the MEEGO system application. It has unlimited social function interface, and so no matter if it is in work, in social interactions or entertainment, it can bring you the best interconnection technology experience.
There are also 10 new Lifebook, including - the S-series (SH761&SH561), the N-series (NH751), the P series (PH701&PH771), the A series (AH531), the L series (LH701&LH531), plus the B series (BH531).
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