大马乐坛新晋歌手Ellisan锂汕挑战自己,签唱会上瞬间换上3个造型当场演绎4首歌。于2010年8月推出首张个人专辑的大马新晋歌手 Ellisan锂汕,因其经纪人的离开搁置所有的宣传活动。蛰伏了222天,Ellisan终如愿于2011年4月2日在金河广场举行个人首场签唱会。大马国际名模Amber Chia及歌手培杰也到场支持买唱片当小歌迷上台索取签名。
Ellisan曾在2006/2007年的国际著名品牌SHU UEMURA专业组的彩妆比赛亚军,现时是名电子钢琴师,亦曾参与多个电视剧、电影、广告。如今等了许久,终一圆其明星梦。她也在现场演绎4首歌曲:《呀呀》、《一片红》、《错》及《翅膀》。
Lady Ghost cries on stage? Our Lady Ghost from "Headless Family", has started her first album's promotion tour!!
Ellisan Tan, the rising star in the Malaysian entertainment scene, has set another challenging feat at her first concert with 4 live performance in 3 different styles. After debuting with her first single track in August 2010, Ellisan's promotional activities have been stalled when her managing agent left. Lying in dormant for 222 days, she finally had her first autograph concert in Sungai Wang Plaza in 2nd April 2011. Among her enthusiastic fans who showed up are international model Amber Chia and fellow local celebrity Pei Jie who both purchased her CD track on the spot as well as sought after her autograph.
Ellisan was the First Runner-up in the Shu Uemura Beauty and Make-Up Competition Year 2006/2007, organised by famed international brand Shu Uemura under the Professional Category. Currently, she is an electronic-keyboard coach, and has participated in various TV series, films, advertisements. After a long wait till now, she has finaly realised her dream. The songs that she had performed live during her concert are: 《Yaya》,《A Red》,《Wrong》and《Wing》.
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