一个结合时尚与性感的夜晚派对,F.伏特加推介大派对成功俘虏众人的灵魂!当晚,大家都在bedroom酒吧( 吉隆坡Pavillion广场,六楼 )的迷光幻影中,陶醉于伏特加的滴滴甘醇… 尽显真情!
在[名模之夜]-F 伏特加推介派对中, 到处都可搜索来自世界各国的名模和大马名人等的踪影。其中,还有来自俄罗斯( rusia )、巴西( brazil )、 哈萨克斯坦( Kazakhstan)等的顶级名模参与此盛事。
以上派对由法国时尚电视台荣誉呈现。小鸭负责当晚的影片摄影,照片则由Ryo Hee摄影师专业拍摄。
A stylish and sensuous evening party, F Vodka's Model Nite has definitely captivated every soul present. During the night, every guest under the mesmerizing lights in the Bedroom Bar (6th Floor, Pavillion Kuala Lumpur) revelled in each intoxicating drop of vodka, obviously having a good time!
One could find various local, as well as international artists and models attending the F-Vodka 'Model Nite' evening party. Among them included famed talents from Russia, Brazil, Kazakhstan and such talents who came to honor the event.
F.Vodka's distinctiveness lies in the fact that it is specially designed for the celebrity and the artiste. Its unique style, with an intense, cool taste yet without the immediate buzz of drunkenness made it the choice companion for social events and discussions for people of prestige.
The above event is brought to you by Fashion TV. Responsible for the video is Duckling Actions, while photographs are by professional photographer Ryo Hee.
由时尚电视主办的[名模之夜]]-F 伏特加推介派对于4月7日在吉隆坡柏威年广场,六楼的bedroom举行。这特别版本(特别为kenji和Vikki制作)。这只是重头戏的前轴,先让你过过瘾,解解渴...好戏在后头哦!尽请期待~~~
法国时尚电视台呈现 - F 伏特加推介派对 (名模之夜)
法国时尚电视台呈现 - F 伏特加推介派对 (嘉宾入席)
A [Models Nite] for F vodka launching at 7th April, was presented by Fashion TV at Bedroom, Level 6, Pavillion KL, Jalan Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. This special track (specially done for our dearest "Kenji & Vikki"), a desert, for you before bringing in the video of the night to you.
For more photos, kindly go to
Model's Nite launching F Vodka with FTV (Party Night)
Model's Nite launching F Vodka with FTV (Arrival of Guests)
大马乐坛新晋歌手Ellisan锂汕挑战自己,签唱会上瞬间换上3个造型当场演绎4首歌。于2010年8月推出首张个人专辑的大马新晋歌手 Ellisan锂汕,因其经纪人的离开搁置所有的宣传活动。蛰伏了222天,Ellisan终如愿于2011年4月2日在金河广场举行个人首场签唱会。大马国际名模Amber Chia及歌手培杰也到场支持买唱片当小歌迷上台索取签名。
Ellisan曾在2006/2007年的国际著名品牌SHU UEMURA专业组的彩妆比赛亚军,现时是名电子钢琴师,亦曾参与多个电视剧、电影、广告。如今等了许久,终一圆其明星梦。她也在现场演绎4首歌曲:《呀呀》、《一片红》、《错》及《翅膀》。
Lady Ghost cries on stage? Our Lady Ghost from "Headless Family", has started her first album's promotion tour!!
Ellisan Tan, the rising star in the Malaysian entertainment scene, has set another challenging feat at her first concert with 4 live performance in 3 different styles. After debuting with her first single track in August 2010, Ellisan's promotional activities have been stalled when her managing agent left. Lying in dormant for 222 days, she finally had her first autograph concert in Sungai Wang Plaza in 2nd April 2011. Among her enthusiastic fans who showed up are international model Amber Chia and fellow local celebrity Pei Jie who both purchased her CD track on the spot as well as sought after her autograph.
Ellisan was the First Runner-up in the Shu Uemura Beauty and Make-Up Competition Year 2006/2007, organised by famed international brand Shu Uemura under the Professional Category. Currently, she is an electronic-keyboard coach, and has participated in various TV series, films, advertisements. After a long wait till now, she has finaly realised her dream. The songs that she had performed live during her concert are: 《Yaya》,《A Red》,《Wrong》and《Wing》.
There are exciting happenings at the Bedroom Bar (Level 6, Pavillion KL, Jalan Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur) tonight (7th April 2011)! This exhilarating event of F Vodka Launch (Models Nite) Party was attended by many popular Celebrities and well- known personalities! The night's revellings was filled raptous enjoyment of The Bedroom's dazzling lights and the intoxicating F. Vodka!
The party was presented by Fashion TV. Duckling Actions is going to bring you the video of the night!
Photography by Ryo Hee.
Event video:
Special Track:
今夜(2011年4月7日)的Bedroom酒吧(吉隆坡Pavillion广场,六楼)异常不同!来自世界各地的名模名人都纷纷前来报到,只为参加[名模之夜]-F 伏特加推介大派对!当晚,大家都在bedroom的迷光幻影、陶醉于伏特加的滴滴甘醇中,尽显真情!
当晚照片由Ryo Hee摄影师专业拍摄。
Model's Nite launching F Vodka with FTV (Arrival of Guests) 法国时尚电视台呈现 - F 伏特加推介派对 (嘉宾入席)
7th April 2011, a [Models Nite] for F vodka launching, was presented by Fashion TV at Bedroom, Level 6, Pavillion KL, Jalan Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. This excited party was delighted by models from different countries,celebrities and entrepreneurs.
This album is showing you the arrival of the guests. In next album, Duckling will bring you more of the night!
Photography by Ryo Hee.
Event video:
Special Track:
2011年4月7日,法国时尚电视台荣誉呈现,[名模之夜]-F 伏特加推介大派对!在吉隆坡Pavillion广场,六楼, Bedroom 酒吧举行的派对中,到处都可搜索来自世界各国的名模和大马名人等的倩影。
当晚照片由Ryo Hee摄影师专业拍摄。
2010年大马区域个人赛中Mohammad Arfan, Tee Guang Ying和 Siew Hann Wen在个别组破了大马记录,尤其Siew Hann Wen更破了师级 (第二组) 世界记录(2.44秒)。同时,Alan Lim Joon Tatt 和Siew Hann Wen在35岁以上的师级双人组中也以10.11秒破世界记录。Mohammad Arfan以2.09秒在3-3-3 叠式组大马排名第一而世界排名第98。Tee Guang Ying 则在3-6-3叠式组以2.61秒大马排名第一而世界排名第131。
Malaysia Sport Stacking (Stacker Challenge Competition)
The Malaysian Regional Sports Stacking Competition, held on the 27th of March 2011 at Jetty Cafe, One Utama, was organised by the Malaysian Sports Stacking Team (led by Dylan Cheong), and advocated by the World Sport Stacking Association, WSSA.2010,in the Malaysian Regional Individual category, Mohammad Arfan, Tee Guang Ying and Siew Hann Wen have each broken their respective records in Malaysia, especially Siew Hann Wen, who has broken the world record for Master 2 category (2.44 seconds). Meanwhile, Alan Lim Joon Tatt and Siew Hann Wen also broken the world record for the 35 year old above, doubles master category with their score of 10.11 seconds. Mohammad Arfan, with a score of 2.09 seconds in the 3-3-3 Stacked Session, was ranked as First in Malaysia and 98th in the world, while Tee Guang Ying, in the 3-6-3 Stacked Session, has scored 2.61 seconds as the current Runner-Up and 131st rank in the world.
This activity originated from the YMCA of Southern California, U.S.A, using paper cups for stacking. Ever since gaining media exposure, the activity quickly came under the whole nation's spotlight, and the paper cups were eventually replaced by the plastic cups used in competitions nowadays. There are lots of benefits in sports stacking, such as: improving hand-eye coordination, reflex action, activity of both left and right brain, and also the body's sense of balance and fitness, and thus, many academic institutions have included it into their physical education classes.
The World Sport Stacking Association (WSSA) is formally established in 2001, and have since been the organisation that formulates the rules and regulations for competitions, organising international championship tournaments as well as record-breaking stints, that increases the credibility of the sport. From then onwards, sports stacking became a prevalent worldwide phenomenon, as well as being one of the few activities that children can compete against adults fair and square.
Photos please view: http://ducklingactions.blogspot.com/2011/04/malaysias-world-record-stackers-and.html
女鬼,Ellisan的首张专辑第一波宣传终于开跑啦! Lady Ghost, Ellisan's First Music Album's Promotion Has Finally Begun!
4月2日,Ellisan 陈锂汕第一波的宣传活动在金河广场大舞台如火如荼地开场了!
Ellisan Tan, our most beautiful lady ghost's first music album promotion has finally begun after one year of waiting! 2nd of April, Ellisan's music album promotion was held successfully at Sungai Wang Shopping Mall's main entrance stage!
Video of the day is coming soon!
由于X-Top Model Search (超模大赛)的主办单位的要求,我们修改了原先的视频,在字幕后增加了一些名模名人的小剪接,进我们的2011年超模大赛派對推介禮的视频。此视频乃X-Top Model Search 2011年的官方网介绍视频。
Due to the requirements of X-Top Model Search Organizer, We have re-edited our Launch Party Video for organizer official usage.
For more info of the night, kindly go to: http://ducklingactions.blogspot.com/2011/03/x-top-model-search-2011-malaysia-soft_710.html
For more photos: http://ducklingactions.blogspot.com/2011/02/2011x-x-top-model-search-2011-launching.html
X-Top Model Searcg 2011 official website: www.xtopmodel.com
大马参赛者荣获世界记录的叠杯竞技运动比赛及挑战 Malaysia's World Record Stackers and Challenge
地点: 万达广场Jetty Cafe
Location: 1 Utama Jetty Cafe
Participants: from children to adults
Honor:Number of participants are stacked cup world record for competitive sports
活动视频: http://ducklingactions.blogspot.com/2011/04/malaysias-world-record-stack-sport-and.html
Event video : http://ducklingactions.blogspot.com/2011/04/malaysias-world-record-stack-sport-and.html
Anubis崭新抗老护肤系列EFFECTIVITY LINE邀请了大马艺人萧依婷为代言人,此系列使用昂贵原料,主要成分为鱼子酱、钻石及珍珠。
自嘲"已有年龄"的大马艺人,萧依婷(大马首位在台湾获得最佳女主角的得意演员之一),皮肤依然美得像个娃娃。她在接受访问时透露,身为2个孩子母亲的她,同时兼顾家庭事业已很吃力,而且身为时尚女人还要照顾亮丽的外表,真的很难做好。 自爆今年35岁的萧依婷表示,自己的皮肤敏感,很怕有皱纹,幸好接触了Anubis ‘EFFECTIVITY LINE’抗老系列,全方位保养自己。她说,真材实料的东西不怕别人用,因为好的护肤品自然会说话。
ANUBIS has invited Malaysian celebrity Lavin Seow to be the ambassador for their new anti-aging skincare series EFFECTIVITY LINE, which uses precious raw material such as caviar, diamond and pearl as its main ingredients.
Lavin Seow (Malaysian first actress who won the best actress award at Taiwan.), a famous Malaysian artist who admitted she has reached a "certain age". However, as what we see today, her skin is still as smooth and beautiful as baby's.During an interview, Lavin Seow, as the ambassador of the series, has revealed that as a mother of two, balancing both family and work have been a tough experience, and as a fashion icon who also needs to take care of her appearance, it is very difficult.
The 35 years-old celebrity has said that due to her sensitive skin, she often worried about wrinkles on her skin. Fortunately, she found Anubis EFFECTIVITY Line' anti-aging series that provided her with well-rounded skincare and protection. As she has stated, items made of genuine ingredients have no fear of others using it, because a good skin care product will naturally tells its story on its own.
Photos please view:http://ducklingactions.blogspot.com/2011/03/youth-secrects-of-artist-lavin-seow.html
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- [名模之夜]]-F 伏特加推介派对(特别版)Model's Nite launching F Vod...
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